克里普克提出对描述主义的著名反驳已经40多年,直接指称理论已成为语言哲学的一个新正统。杰克逊(F rank Jackson)在论文"关于指称和描述的修正"和其他一些著述中,提出一种声称能反驳直接指称论者所有严厉批评的新版本的描述主义。本文旨在评价杰克逊的观点,并就其对模态论证和语义论证的反驳提出质疑。
Now over four decades since Saul Kripke and others launched attacks on descrip- tivism, the theory of direct reference has become a new orthodoxy in philosophy of language. Through a series of writings, Frank Jackson has developed a new kind of descriptivism that he argues can resist all of the three major objections raised by the theorists of direct reference. In this article I articulate some doubts about Jackson's replies to two of these objections, i.e., the modal argument and the semantic argument.
Studies in Logic