
迷迭香酸与抗菌药联合对含fosA3基因细菌抑菌效果的研究 被引量:3

Study on the Effect of the Rosemarinic Acid Combined with Antibacterial Agents on the Bacterial with Gene fosA3
摘要 试验旨在探讨迷迭香酸与抗菌药联合体外抗含fosA3耐药基因大肠杆菌的效果。本试验对临床分离的细菌进行鉴定,确定细菌所含耐药基因种类,用牛津杯法测定迷迭香酸的抑菌活性,平板涂布法测定迷迭香酸的杀菌活性,采用96孔反应板二倍微量稀释法分别检测迷迭香酸与抗菌药的最小抑菌浓度(MIC),再用微量棋盘稀释法测定迷迭香酸与抗菌药联合作用后的分级抑菌浓度指数(FICI)。结果显示,分离到含fosA3耐药基因大肠杆菌;迷迭香酸的MIC为640μg/mL,迷迭香酸与环丙沙星、左旋氧氟沙星、黏杆菌素、加替沙星、阿米卡星、头孢他啶、头孢噻呋钠联合应用后其FICI≤0.5,有协同作用;与头孢曲松钠、诺氟沙星、痢菌净联合应用后0.5<FICI≤1,有相加作用;与阿莫西林、磷霉素、氟苯尼考联合应用后1<FICI≤2,存在无关作用。结果表明,迷迭香酸对含fosA3基因大肠杆菌有一定的抑菌活性和杀菌活性,其与部分抗菌药联合应用后,抗菌药体外抗菌活性显著增强。 This research was aimed to investigate the effect of rosemarinic acid combined with an- tibacterial agents against bacterial carrying gene fosA3 in vitro. Resistance gene types were deter- mined by identification of bacteria isolated in clinics. Antibacterial activity and fungicidal activity of rosemarinic acid were tested by oxford cup method and spread-plate method. The minimal in- hibiton coneertration (MIC) of rosemarinic acid and antibacterial agents were tested through twice micro-dilution method, fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) of rosemarinic acid combined with antibacterial agents were determined by microdilution checkerboard techniques. Escheriohia coli carrying multidrug resistance gene fosA3 was isolated. The MIC of rosemarinic acid was 640μg/mL,when application of rosemarinic acid combined with ciprofloxacin,levofloxa- cin, coly-mycin, gatifloxacin, amikacin, ceftazidime, ceftiofur sodium, FICI≤0.5, showed an addi- tive effect~ With ceftriaxone sodium, norfloxacin, mequindox, 0. 5≤FICI≤I, showed an synergistic correlation ; With amoxicillin, fosfomycin, florfenicol, 1≤ FICI≤ 2, showed an independent effect. The results showed that rosemarinic acid had some fosfomycin resistance gene fosA3 Escheriohia coli. inhibitory activity and fungicidal effect on the Antibacterial activities of antibacterial agents against the fosfomycin resistance gene fosA3 Escherichia coli were enhanced significantly by rosemarinic acid.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第7期1851-1858,共8页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然基金(31460675) 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAD25B04) 广西科技攻关项目(0992014-2) 广西自然基金(2012GXNSFBA053052 2013GXNSFAA019070) 南宁市科技攻关项目(20141295) 广西大学大学生实验技能和科技创新能力训练项目(SYJN20131714 SYJN20131728) 广西高校优势特色专业建设项目
关键词 迷迭香酸 抗菌药 fosA3基因 最小抑菌浓度(MIC) 分级抑菌浓度指数(FICI) rosemarinic acid antibacterial agents fosA3 gene minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI)
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