
索尔·贝娄创作中的“大屠杀”阴影及其反思 被引量:1

The Shadows of the Holocaust and the Introspection on It in Saul Bellow's Works
摘要 索尔·贝娄在其创作中多次表达了他对纳粹大屠杀的诸多思考。文章通过散点透视,从其表现大屠杀的《受害者》《赛姆勒先生的行星》《贝拉罗莎暗道》《拉维尔斯坦》等几部重要小说中,分阶段地阐述其从20世纪40年代的"恐惧"和"受害"隐喻,到60、80年代直接的回忆性控诉和对历史记忆的反复强调,一直到21世纪最后一部作品中的类似遗嘱,阐明和缕析作家立足西方文化、普遍人性和人类历史维度书写"大屠杀"灾难所显示出来的深厚内涵和警示意义。这种具有宏阔视野的反思方式也是贝娄在文学上的贡献。 Saul Bellow more than once expressed his introspection on the Nazi Holocaust in his works. This article ex- pounds by stages among the several novels like The Victim, Mr. Sammler's Planet, The Bellarosa Connection and Ravelstein, from horrors and the sufferings in the forties to the directly denouncing and emphasizing repeatedly on historical memories in the sixties and eighties, and up to the similar testament in his last book in the new century, with the purpose of illuminating and analyzing author's deep connotation by based on western culture, general humanity and human's historical dimension. Mean- while this wide-view way of thinking is also another contribution on literature.
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 CSSCI 2015年第4期5-15,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务专项资助项目(JUSRP211A58)
关键词 索尔·贝娄 “大屠杀” 反思 Saul Bellow Holocaust introspection
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