
旅游驱动的土地利用与覆被变化对景区植被碳库的影响--以中国内蒙三盛公水利风景区为例(英文) 被引量:3

Effects of Tourism Land-use and Land-cover Change on Vegetation Carbon Stocks of National Water Park of Inner Mongolia,China
摘要 土地利用与覆被变化是仅次于化石能源消耗的第二大碳排放源。1979年以来,中国旅游业保持高速增长,旅游发展所需的交通、住宿、娱乐等基础设施建设将导致显著的土地利用与覆被变化。为测算旅游业发展驱动的土地利用与覆被变化对旅游景区植被碳库的影响,研究通过多次田野调查重建了景区尺度的土地利用格局,利用土地转移矩阵明确了景区土地利用动态演变路径,结合研究区植被碳密度计算了2004—2010年景区植被碳库的变化。研究结果表明旅游业的发展导致景区土地利用格局显著变化。在研究期内草地是景区主要植被,但随着旅游的发展,草地与灌丛、林地等用地之间不断相互转换。尽管有约52ha土地用于旅游住宿、基础设施及休闲活动设施,但景区内植被碳库不但没有减少,反而增加了442.4 Mg,这主要是因为景区为提高旅游环境质量采取了植被保护措施。这表明旅游业可以通过良好的景观营造等土地管理措施,增加景区碳汇,用以"中和"旅游业能源消耗引起的碳排放。 Since the late 1978s, China has undergone one of the highest tourism growth rates in the world, which in turn has driven extensive land--use and land--cover change. The aim of this research is to assess land cover change dynamics and temporal and spatial variability in C stored in vegetation of a tourism destination. We have developed high resolution vegetation maps based on field observation and large scale topographic maps. Carbon vegetation densities were related to land cover, and C vegetation stocks for2004and 2010 were calculated by multiplying C density for each land cover type with land cover areas. This study demonstrates the importance of tourism industry for land cover change and C stock in vegeta- tion. The land use and land cover change induced by the development of tourism industry have been significant. The change trajectory results illustrate the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of the park landscape. Grass land cover has domi- nated the park throughout the observed period, but majority of the land area has been continuously transforming between grass land and shrubbery areas and forest. Although there were about 52ha of land was used for tourist accommodation es- tablishments, infrastructure development and leisure activities. Land cover changes have lead to a C sequestration of 442.47 Mg, mainly due to conservation measures to increase tourist value of the environment. The information generated in this research will contribute to better local C inventories and will assist in establishing the basis for future studies on C e- missions, baselines and mitigation scenarios associated with the land--use change processes of tourism industry.
作者 杨曦 姜锋
出处 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期152-159,F0003,共9页 Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41101115) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2011M500376)~~
关键词 土地利用/覆被变化 植被碳库 旅游业 内蒙古 中国 land use/cover change vegetation carbon stocks tourism industry Inner Mongolia China
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