
扎根理论在中国教育研究中的运用探索 被引量:368

Critical Application of Grounded Theory in Chinese Education Research
摘要 "扎根理论"自1967年被两位美国学者格拉斯和施特劳斯提出来之后,在社会科学研究界产生了很大的影响,在过去近半个世纪也经历了一些概念、技术乃至范式方面的变迁。然而,这种研究路径到底有什么独特之处?是在什么背景下提出来的?具体如何操作?能够为我国当前的教育研究提供什么洞见?在我国独特的学术环境中面临什么挑战,需要什么本土化调适?这正是本文意图探讨的问题。本文首先介绍扎根理论的定义、提出的背景以及基本操作步骤和方法;然后通过一个来自中国课堂的教学实例,管窥扎根理论研究的一种可能样态;最后结合一个教学案例,探讨扎根理论对于当前我国教育研究的意义、限度以及本土化调适的可能性。 'Discovered' by two American scholars Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in 1967,grounded theory has been quite influential in social science research.Some of its concepts,techniques and even paradigm have undergone changes in the past years.However,What is special about this kind of approach? In what historical context was it 'discovered' ? What are its specific procedures and techniques? What insights can it provide to the educational research in China? What challenges does it propose and what indigenous adaptations are needed for the Chinese academic context? These are the questions that this article intends to explore.The article first introduces the definition,basic procedures and techniques of grounded theory,before providing a teaching case to illustrate one way of grounded theory analysis in the Chinese education context.Based on the analysis of the case,the article finally discusses the implications of grounded theory on Chinese educational research,and its limitations and possible indigenous adaptations in the Chinese social-cultural context.
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期2-15,188,共14页 Peking University Education Review
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  • 7Strauss, A. (1987). Qualitative analysis for social scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press.
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