
硫-硫铁复合床深度脱氮除磷 被引量:12

Sulfur and Sulfur-Iron Particles Packed Reactors for Simultaneous Advanced Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
摘要 利用硫铁填料床能同时脱氮除磷,提高城市污水厂出水水质。针对其长期运行填料板结导致填料床堵塞问题,利用硫-硫铁耦合填料床对污水进行脱氮除磷,通过硫填料床脱氧、改变硫铁填充方式以及反冲洗防止填料床堵塞,实现稳定运行。试验结果表明,利用硫自养填料床脱氧,在滤速为0.55~1.37 m/h下,出水溶解氧(DO)浓度均低于0.4 mg/L,最低浓度达0.29 mg/L,溶解氧去除率均在90%以上。硫铁耦合填料床脱氮除磷,在滤速为0.4~1.2 m/h下,出水总磷浓度均低于0.2 mg/L;当滤速低于0.9 m/h时,出水NO-3-N浓度低于2.5 mg/L,两种硫铁耦合填料床的脱氮负荷为1 000 mg NO-3-N/(L·d)。完全混合硫铁耦合填料床运行50 d后反应器出现堵塞,后续运行进水压力达53 k Pa,填料球分置硫铁耦合填料床运行100 d左右未出现堵塞,适时反冲可以进一步解决填料床堵塞。 The sulfur particles and mixed sulfur-iron particles packed reactors were developed to simultaneously remove nitrate and phosphorus of the secondary effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants. To overcome the problem of blockage,the sulfur particles packed reactor was developed as the deaerator,the sulfur and iron particles filling modes were optimized,and back wash was adapted. Low effluent dissolved oxygen( DO)( 0. 4 mg / L) were obtained with different flow rates and 90% dissolved oxygen was removed. When the flow rates changed from 0. 4 to 1. 2 mg / h,the phosphorus in effluents were lower than 0. 2 mg / L. The nitrate removal rates [~ 1 000 mg NO-3-N /( L·d) ]were achieved with the two filling modes. The blockage happened( the hydraulic loss ~ 53 k Pa) in the completely mixing packed sulfur-iron particles packed reactor after continuous operation 50 d. After operating 100 d,there was not blockage in the separating mixing packed sulfur-iron particles reactor. Regularly backwashing also helps to solve the blockage.
出处 《化学工业与工程》 CAS CSCD 2015年第4期63-67,共5页 Chemical Industry and Engineering
基金 教育部创新团队(IRT1152) 重大水专项课题资助
关键词 硫自养反硝化 硫铁耦合 脱氮除磷 sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification sulfur-iron particles nitrogen and phosphorus removal
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