AIM: To understand the specific nursing interven- tions for patients with severe craniocerebral injury complicated by thoracic-abdominal injury in ICU and its clinical application val- ue. METHODS: A total of 50 patients with severe eraniocerebral injury complicated by thoracic-abdominal injury admitted to ICU in our hospital in recent years were randomly selected, and their clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. The related nursing in- terventions and prognosis after nursing treatment for the patients were summarized. RESULTS: During 6 months of follow-up, the patients' prognosis after nursing treatment were: 21 eases of pa- tients with good recovery, 9 cases with moderate disability, 4 ca- ses with severe disability and 6 patients died. CONCLUSION: The severe craniocerebral injury complicated by thoracic-abdomi- nal injury is severe in clinical with very high disability rate and mortality rate. The patients need a comprehensive and detailed nursing care in addition to timely treatment. Close observation and enhanced nursing concept could minimize the complication rate and guarantee health and the quality of their life.
E-Journal of Translational Medicine
severe craniocerebral injury
thoraco abdominal in- jury
nursing countermeasures