

Research on Effective Mode of Occupational Morality Building from Perspective of Psychological Contract
摘要 在当前的职业道德建设范式中,"管教式"和"说教式"各有优缺点,从理论上讲必须重构职业道德建设范式。转型社会高尚职业道德的形成和维系依赖心理契约,贯彻契约原则是发展市场经济的内在要求,"浙江最美现象"为职业道德建设营造了良好的社会风气,这些是将心理契约运用于职业道德建设的客观依据。加强职业道德建设是解决我国当前职业活动中道德滑坡问题的迫切需要,只有从心理契约视角探究职业道德建设的有效措施,才能从根本上解决职业道德缺失问题。 Strengthening the building of occupational morality has become urgently demand for resolution of occupational morality's decline. At present, we have to renew the mode of occupational morality construction for the reason of shortage of controlling and preaching. As we are in the period of social transformation, the building and maintenance of occupational morality have to rely on psychological contract, which is also the demand for market economy. "The Most Beautiful Phenomenon in Zhejiang Province" provides a support for it both on theory and practice. Only by searching for healthy mode to build occupational morality from perspective of psychological contract, can we resolve the problem of occupational morality's decline thoroughly.
作者 邓安能
出处 《湖州职业技术学院学报》 2015年第2期42-45,共4页 Journal of Huzhou Vocational and Technological College
基金 2014年度浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地(浙江省中国特色社会主义理论研究中心)课题<人的全面发展视域下职业道德建设范式的重构研究>(14JDYB05)的阶段性成果
关键词 职业道德 心理契约 转型社会 浙江最美现象 occupational morality psychological contract social transformation "the Most Beautiful Phenomenon in Zhejiang Province"
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