
重视局部抗青光眼药物对眼表的影响 被引量:2

Pay attention to the effect of topical antiglaucomatous therapy on ocular surface
摘要 原发性青光眼多为慢性病,不能被根治,只能通过降眼压的方法来控制视野的恶化,其中滴眼药是最常用和最安全的方法,往往伴随患者一生,长期滴眼药必然会引起一些副作用,对眼表健康的影响尤为突出,甚至影响治疗效果。因此,关注青光眼患者的眼表健康状况是青光眼治疗所面临的重要问题。本文对长期用药的青光眼患者发生眼表疾病的危害及其发病机制,以及临床上如何维护青光眼患者的眼表健康等问题进行讨论。 The majority of primary glaucoma has a chronic course and induces visual loss finally. However it's a pity that there's no perfect cure for glaucoma but to reduce intraocular pressure to prevent further visual field defects, among which administer- hag eyedrops is the most common and safest choice and may often be a life-long treatment for a glaucoma patient. Long-term admin- istering of eyedrops would induce some side effects, especially may result in ocular surface disorders and significantly decrease the treatment efficacy. Therefore, how to improve the health condition of ocular surface for a glaucoma patient is an important issue for anti-glaucoma therapy. This paper focuses on the harmfulness of long-term topical antiglaucomatous therapy and the pathogenesis of the ocular surface diseases in glaucoma patients, and how to improve the glaucoma patient's health condition of ocular surface.
作者 吴玲玲
出处 《眼科》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期149-151,共3页 Ophthalmology in China
关键词 青光眼/药物治疗 眼表 干眼 glaucoma/medication ocular surface dry eye
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