目的:评价超声骨刀与高速球钻在牙冠延长手术中的应用效果。方法:选取60例67颗牙体缺损达龈下但又不超过龈下4.0 mm的具有保留价值的患牙,随机分成2组,一组采用超声骨刀组30例34颗,另一组采用高速涡轮球钻组30例33颗,并分别记录2组病例术前、术后1周和8周、修复后6个月缺损最低处探诊深度(PD)、龈沟出血指数(SBI)、牙松动度(TM)等指标观察临床效果。结果:2组术后1周和8周、修复后6个月的PD和SBI与术前比较均明显改善,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);2组间比较,术后1周PD和SBI差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05),术后8周PD差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),SBI差异无统计学意义,修复后6个月的各项指标情况同术后8周。结论:2种术式对牙体缺损至龈下需冠延长患者均能取得较好疗效,但超声骨刀组骨损失更少、牙周创面更小、修复更好。
Objective: To evaluate the effects of piezousurgery and high-speed burr in crown lengthening surgery. Methods: Sixty seven teeth in 60 examples with subgingival tooth defect but less than 4 mm, that got the value to preserve were selected. The examples are divided into two groups randomly. One group of 34 teeth in 30 examples used piezosurgery. The other group of 33 teeth in 30 examples used the high-speed burr. The defect of the lowest probing depth(PD), sulcular bleeding index(SBI), tooth mobility(TM) were recorded before operation, at one week after operation, 8 weeks after operation and 6 months after operation. Results: The after-operation PD and SBI of both group had significant changes. The difference was statistically significance(P〈0.05), while comparison between the two groups, there's no statistical significance in the difference of PD and SBI one week after operations(P〉0.05), and there lies significant difference in PD 8 weeks after operations(P〈0.05), but SBI had no marked difference, and all indexes after 6 months were the same as these after 8 weeks. Conclusion: These two kinds of operations both have good effect on patients who need crown lengthening surgery to recover the subgingival tooth defects. At the same time, piezosurgery causes less bone loss, smaller periodontal wound and the better recovery.
Journal of Wenzhou Medical College
piezosurgery osteotomy
high-speed burr
crown lengthening surgery
minimally invasive surgery