

Monte Carlo Simulation of One- Dimensional Lattice Chains Model for a Predator- Prey System
摘要 在一维格点链上定义了改进的两种群Lotka-Volterra模型,在只考虑近邻相互作用的情况下,分析了种群中每个生命个体的空间分布,及环境噪声对食饵—捕食者生命系统随时间进化的影响,利用蒙特卡洛方法,模拟计算了其动力学演化过程,给出了食饵—捕食者系统中两生命体能够长期共存,种群生态系统稳定的基本条件。 In one dimensional lattice chain we defines the improved Lotka - Volterr model of two populations, in the case of only considering the interaction neighbor, we study the spatial distribution of each individual life in population and the environmental noise of life how to effect on evolution of predator - prey system with time, by u- sing Monte Carlo method, the dynamic evolution process are simulated, the predator - prey system is given in two or- ganisms can co - exist for a long time and the population ecological basic conditions for the robust stability of the system.
出处 《阴山学刊(自然科学版)》 2015年第3期17-22,共6页 Yinshan Academic Journal(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 一维格点链 食饵-捕食者模型 环境噪声 蒙特卡洛模拟 One dimensional lattice chain The predator- prey system model Environmental noise MonteCarlo simulation
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