采用羧酸与亚铁离子螯合的方法,研究铁-羧酸(Fe-CA)螯合物的制备过程,确定了Fe-CA的最佳制备工艺条件:羧酸和铁离子的配位比为2:1,初始pH为5.0~5.5,反应温度50℃,反应时间40 min。在最佳工艺条件下制备Fe-CA催化剂,亚铁离子的螯合率为81.2%,产品得率为64.5%。采用制得的Fe-CA催化剂对制浆造纸终端混合废水进行处理,处理后废水的色度为32.6 C.U.,去除率83%,废水的pH值为7.2,GC-MS分析表明处理前后废水中的有机抽出物种类和相对含量表明,处理后废水中未检测到或有明显减少的物质多为醇类、苯酚类及苯类衍生物、不饱和酸和胺类等有机物,总有机物含量减少了约85%,处理效果显著。
The synthesis of Fe-carboxylic acid chelate was studied in this article in order to investigated the feasibility of Fe- CA bominetic process application on pulp and paper mill post treated wastewater tertiary treatment. Fe2+ chelation rate and chelate product yield were focused for preparation parameters optimizing. The optimum conditions of Fe-CA preparation were: the ligand ratio of CA and Fe was 2:1, pH5.0-5.5, at 50℃ react for 40 min. Fe2+ chelation rate and chelate product yield were 81.2% and 64.5% under the optimized conditions. The removals of color was 83% at the optimized conditions while the Fe-CA biominetic treatment was employed for post treated pulp and paper mill wastewater advanced treatment.The final pH of biominetic treated water was 7.2, and GC-MS analysis of extracts indicate that the materials of alcohol, phenol derivative, unsaturated fattyacid and amine were cut off or reduced markedly in the treatment. Content of organic extract was cut about 85% after the treatment.
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