越窑是中国名窑之一,有近千年的悠久历史,并作为秘色瓷的生产窑场而闻名。然而,越窑在进入南宋时期以后,从历史舞台上消失了。本论文将在有关越窑消失相关的诸多问题中,就越窑的具体消失时期和原因进行研究。一直以来,在研究有关越窑的消失时期问题上,研究者们都关注了《云麓漫钞》和《坦斋笔衡》的有关越窑的记载。相信《云麓漫钞》真实性的研究者认为,越窑消失时期是南宋中期;而认为《坦斋笔衡》可信的研究者则主张越窑消失时期是在南宋初期。但仔细分析相关记载可以发现,这些资料对确认越窑的消失时期几乎起不到决定性作用。根据现有的考古学资料,越窑的消失时间在南宋中期的可能性较大。对于越窑的消失原因,学界存在很多不同观点,但多数观点局限在结果论的解释范畴。如果要准确地掌握越窑的消失原因,就必须从越窑瓷器的供需关系进行分析。同时,要铭记当时越窑与其它诸多窑场处于竞争关系这一背景。从以上两个角度来看,越窑消失的根本原因与越窑的釉料和胎土有密不可分的关联。即越窑的釉料有一个缺点,就是Ti O2含量较高,因此很难烧造当时人们喜欢的呈淡青绿色的青瓷。而且,越窑胎土,由于其Al2O3含量较低,所以有一个缺陷,那就是高温烧成时抗变形力也较弱。约至五代时期,越窑曾经通过改善装烧工艺和成型技法,弥补了这种釉料和胎土的缺点。但是,进入北宋时期以后,瓷业环境变化,由上述缺点引起的问题又逐渐呈现了出来。从根本上解决这些问题的方法是开发没有相应缺陷的釉料和胎土,但因为制瓷原料与窑场周边的地质学特点有密切关联,所以是件难以解决的问题。因为越窑未能解决这些呈现出来的缺点,以至北宋后期以后,衰落到了难以恢复的地步,终于在南宋中期便消失了。
Many researchers have depended on recoMs contained in the books Yunlumanchao (云麓漫钞)and Tanzhaibiheng (坦斋笔衡)wheu searehing for clues to the disappearance of the Yue kiln. Researchers who placed their trust in Yunlumanchao believed that the kiln disappeared in the mid-Southern Song period, while those who placed their trust in Tanzhaibiheng believed that the kiln disappeared in the early Southern Song Period. However, upon perusing such records, it becomes clear that they are not very useful materials for analyzing the causes of the kiln's disappearance. Other more relevant archaeological materials may help detemline whether the Yue kiln is most likely to have disappeared in the mid-Southeru Song Period. A fundamental cause of the Yue kiln's disappearance is thought to be associated with the glaze and clay used to make celadon. The glaze used at the Yue kiln had a relatively high titanium dioxide(TiO2)content, whieh meant that the glaze was not the right nmterial for producing the pale bluish green color favored by influential people of thai time. Meanwhile, the clay used to make celadon at the Yue kiln had a relatively low aluminum oxide(Al2O3)content,which meant that its resistance ability was low during the hightemperature firing process. The Yue kiln could nmke up for the disadvantages associated with the glaze and soil to some extent through the improvement of Zbmlngshtwz(装烧)and molding techniques until the Wudai Period(五代 ). However,by the start of the Northern Song Period the conditions surrounding the production of porcelain had changed and the problems associated with these disadvantages were revealed one by one. The development of a new glaze and a new clay was a way of solving the problems fundamentally. However,such a development was not without difficulties,as it was closely associated with the geological characteristics of the area in which the Yue kiln was located. As a resuh of these problems the Yue kiln had fallen behind rival kilns to an irrecoverable extent by the late Northern Song Period, and is thought to have finally disappeared by the mid- Southern Song period.
Cultural Relics in Southern China
Yue Kiln, tittle of Yue kiln's disappearance, cause of Yue kiln's disappearance, glaze, clay