
锅炉水冷壁管氢损伤无损检测方法研究及应用 被引量:7

Research and Application of Non-destructive Inspection Method for Hydrogen Damage on Water Wall Tubes in Boiler
摘要 介绍了水冷壁管氢损伤的超声波检测原理与方法,并利用氢损伤超声波检测方法对某电厂的水冷壁氢损伤进行了现场检测,准确地给出了水冷壁管氢损伤的范围,分析和归纳了氢损伤管样的特点,为锅炉水冷壁管氢损伤无损检测方法的研究及应用提供依据。 The theory and method of hydrogen damage on water wall tubes in boiler has been introduced. The method of non-destructive inspection has been used to inspect water wall tubes with the hydrogen damage in a thermal plant, which gave exactly the range of water wall tubes with the hydrogen damage. The characteristic of water wall tubes with the hydrogen damage has been analyzed in detail. It provides the reliable foundation for the research and application of non-destructive inspection method for the water wall tubes with hydrogen damage in boiler.
出处 《铸造技术》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期1622-1625,共4页 Foundry Technology
关键词 锅炉水冷壁管 氢损伤 无损检测 water wall tube hydrogen damage non-destructive inspection
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