儿童良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波(benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes,BECT)是儿童癫痫中最常见的癫痫综合征,其预后通常良好,但仍有部分BECT患儿可能在病程中出现负性肌阵挛、不典型失神、口部运动障碍、言语表达障碍等不典型表现,称为BECT变异型。这一部分患儿起病早,临床症状持续时间长,甚至发展成发作类型复杂的癫痫或癫痫综合征,其预后尤其是认知和精神心理方面并不乐观。因此临床医师应对BECT变异型正确认识,以进行早期准确预判,密切监测病情变化,确定正确的治疗方案并积极干预。
Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes( BECTS) is a well- defined childhood epilepsy syndrome that has generally been associated with a favorable prognosis. However,there is still a part of them that will develop into different atypical evolutions,such as negative myoclonus,atypical absences,oromotor dysfunction,and speech arrest etc. These are referred to as variants of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. These atypical BECTS,which present in children at early age and as frequently prolonged seizures,are more prone to evolve into refractory seizures or epilepsy syndromes,resulting in a worse prognosis especially due to the development of cognitive and other psychological hazards. Therefore,a better recognition of this disease,its early diagnosis and timely treatment will be important.
Journal of Dalian Medical University