
中国医学高水平SCI论文基金资助分析 被引量:4

Analysis on Funded Issues of Chinese High-level Medical Papers
摘要 依据2013年SCIE收录医学论文标注的基金资助数据,针对其中中国学者发表的高水平论文,采用文献计量学方法分析国内外不同级别、不同来源的基金对中国医学论文的资助情况,揭示国内外基金资助产出中国医学高水平论文的现状和存在的问题。 Based on the data of funded papers from SCIE in 2013, the funded issues of high - level medical papers wrote by Chinese authors are discussed by bibliometrics method. The levels and sources of funds from domestic and foreign countries which funding the Chinese medieal papers are analyzed. The present situation and existing problems of Chinese high - level medical papers funded by domestic and foreign fundations are revealed.
出处 《医学信息学杂志》 CAS 2015年第6期42-47,共6页 Journal of Medical Informatics
基金 协和青年基金"面向科研竞争力评价的医学论文创新特征提取研究"(项目编号:33320140088)
关键词 医学论文 文献计量 科学基金 Medical papers Bibliometrics Scientific foundation
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