目的了解三亚市中小学生特发型脊柱侧凸畸形(AIS)的患病情况。方法采用横断面研究方法,随机抽查三亚市城乡10所中学10-16岁中学生6 952名,其中男生3 750名,女生3 202名。首先通过观察体检者的肩部和肩胛骨的对称性以及Adams试验筛选出疑似患者。对于AIS疑似患者,进一步采用全脊柱正侧位X射线摄片来明确脊柱侧凸诊断。结果 6 952名中小学生中共检筛出AIS疑似患者375名(男性191名,女性184名),其中358名疑似患者接受进一步检查,最终明确AIS患者88名(1.27%),男性42名(0.60%),女性46名(0.66%),男、女比率为1:0.91,但二者患病率比较差异无统计学意义(χ^2=1.39,P〉0.05)。结论三亚市公立学校中小学生AIS患病率为1.27%,男女患病率相当。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis(AIS) in elementary and junior middle school students in public schools in Sanya, China. Methods In a cross-sectional study, 6 952 students(3 750 males and 3 202 females) aged from 10 to 16 years old were randomly selected from 10 public schools.We evaluated the symmetry of the shoulders, the scapulae, and the Adams test. In suspected cases, students were referred to panoramic radiographs of the spine. Results A total of 6 952 students participated in the study, of which375 were suspected of AIS(191 males and 184 females). Then 358 of the suspected students took radiographs, and 88 were diagnosed with AIS(42 males and 46 females), with the prevalence of 1.27%. Thus, the prevalence rate of male student was 1.12%, and that of the female was 1.44%. The ratio between the male and female was 1:1.29. The chi-square test suggested that there was no significant statistical difference in prevalence between the genders( χ^2=1.39, P〉0.05). Conclusion The prevalence rate of AIS in the public schools of Sanya is 1.27%. And the prevalence rate between the male and the female has no statistically significant difference.
Hainan Medical Journal