
两栖动物器官再生的细胞与分子机制 被引量:4

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Amphibian Appendage Regeneration
摘要 包括人类在内的哺乳动物仅具有极为有限的再生能力,然而以蝾螈、非洲爪蟾等为代表的两栖类动物则能在特定时期完全修复缺损的组织器官。该文对近年来两栖类动物组织器官再生的细胞及分子机制研究作一综述,并以诱导成体爪蟾断肢再生为例,探讨诱导器官再生的研究策略。 The ultimate goal of regenerative medicine is to stimulate the regeneration and functional reconstruction of damaged tissues and injured organs. While mammals, including humans, only have very limited regenerative ability, amphibians such as the Salamanders and the African clawed frog Xenopus can fully regenerate their lost tissues, such as appendages including the limb and the tail, in a particular period of life time. Here we review the cellular origins and molecular mechanisms in amphibian regeneration, where recent findings have provided new strategies for stimulating organ regeneration.
作者 杨荔 林古法
出处 《中国细胞生物学学报》 CAS CSCD 2015年第6期764-771,共8页 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology
关键词 两栖类 器官再生 细胞来源 分子机制 诱导 amphibian regeneration cell origins molecular mechanisms stimulation
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