
神经肌肉反应活动能力衰退导致老年女性跌倒的因素研究 被引量:18

Relation of Declined Neuromuscular Function to the Falling in Elderly Women
摘要 目的:探索神经肌肉反应活动能力衰退导致老年女性跌倒的关键因素及训练干预手段。方法:37名65岁及以上的老年女性,根据跌倒史分为跌倒组和未跌倒组,通过肌电仪和自制足内翻装置对下肢神经肌肉反应活动进行定量测试,并测量其跌倒风险指数(FRI)和站立行走能力(3m-TUG)。结果:与未跌倒组相比,有跌倒经历的老年女性,其神经肌肉反应时间显著较长,并与FRI、3m-TUG测试时间呈线性正相关关系;在肌肉激活后所有电生理指标上,跌倒组和未跌倒组组间差异均不显著;神经肌肉反应时在老年人足内翻控制的重复测试中呈现不断降低的趋势,其中未跌倒者降低显著。结论:相对肌肉本身活动能力衰退,姿势控制相关的神经肌肉反应速度下降是导致老年女性跌倒的重要因素;神经中枢动作预计能力下降是老年女性神经肌肉反应速度变慢、跌倒风险升高的深层重要因素,身体失衡-平衡控制的重复动作练习可能是预防和改善动作预计功能衰退的有效手段。建议老年女性加强日常体力活动。 objective To determine the critical factors of neuromuscular function related to falling of elderly women. Methods 37 female participants,aged over 65 years,were classified to falling group and non-falling group according to their previous medical history. EMG of anterior tibial muscle,long fibular muscle,and caput laterale musculi gastrocnemii of lower extremity was recorded,duration of 3-meter up and going task(3m-TUG) and fall risk index(FRI) were measured. Results Neuromuscular reaction time in falling group was longer than in non-falling group and was positively correlated with FRI and duration of 3m-TUG. No difference in muscular activity between the two groups was seen. However,physical activity and the repeated unbalance-balance physical control practice decreased neuromuscular reaction time significantly in elderly women. Conclusion Decline in neuromuscular reaction speed indicated the decreased prediction and learning of motor ability of central nervous system and was one of the more important factors resulting in falling among elderly women. Appropriate physical activity,especially unbalance-balance physical control practice could prevent falling in elderly women to a certain degree.
出处 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期559-563,共5页 Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目“运动风险评估关键技术的研究(2006BAK33B02)” 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2014CL015) 曲阜师范大学博士启动基金项目
关键词 老年女性 跌倒风险 神经肌肉反应活动 falling neuromuscular reaction physical activity unbalance-balance control practice elderly women
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