
卷烟低引燃倾向法律法规分析 被引量:3

An overview of laws and regulations on LIP cigarettes
摘要 分析了世界范围内一些国家/地区有关卷烟低引燃倾向的相关法律法规,认为其内容核心可以概括为应根据ASTM E2187或基于该标准的方法测试卷烟的引燃倾向性能,卷烟全长燃烧的比例不超过同批测试卷烟样品总数的25%。一些法律法规还对低引燃倾向卷烟的包装标识、认证、卷烟纸阻燃带提出了要求。低引燃倾向测试方法本身存在争议和不足,法律法规的实施效果也受到质疑。低引燃倾向卷烟颇有席卷全球的态势,可能会对我国带来深刻影响,建议我国应及早谋划和应对,积极开展相关政策和技术研究。 Laws and regulations on Low Ignition Propensity(LIP) cigarette of different countries and regions were reviewed. It was found that less than 25% of cigarette specimens to be tested burn through their whole length when tested using ASTM E 2187. Some countries or regions have requirement on packaging and labeling, certifi cation, low permeability bands of LIP. There exist controversy on some test methods and hence will influence the drafting of laws and regulations. China needs to plan ahead so as to address this issue and to prepare for future regulations.
出处 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期119-124,共6页 Acta Tabacaria Sinica
关键词 卷烟 低引燃倾向 法律法规 全长燃烧 测试方法 cigarette LIP laws and regulations full-length burn
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  • 1ISO 12863:2010 Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarette [P/OL]. [2014-08-20]. http://www.iso.org/iso/ home/search.htm?qt= 12863&sort=rel&type=simple&published=on.
  • 2Guidelines Articles 9 10 COP5 Regulation of the contents of tobacco products and regulation of tobacco product disclosures [2014- 08-09]. http://www.who.int/fctc/guidelines/adoptedJGuidelines Articles 9 l0 COP5 CH 24052013.pdi?ua=1.
  • 3纽约州法令:§156-c.Firesafetystandardsforcigarettes和Part 429 PART 429 Fire safety standards for cigarettes.
  • 4[2014-08-20]. https://govt.wesflaw.com/nycrr/Browse/Home/NewYork/NewsorkCo desRulesandRegulations?guid=I29c67080ac4311 dd81 fce471 ddb 537 1 tType=Default&cont extData=(sc.Default).
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  • 6澳大利亚法令:TradePracfices(ConstmaerProductSafetyStandard)(ReducedFireRiskCigarettes)Regulations2008[2014-08-20].http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2009C00252.
  • 7南非法令:No.R.429Regulationsrelatingtothestandards for manufacturing of reduced ignition propensity (RIP) Cigarettes[2014-08-20]. http://f-ita.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ South-Afiica-R1P-Regs-nalional.pdf.
  • 8欧盟指令2011/496/EU:CommissionImplementingDecision of 9 August 2011 on the compliance of standard EN 16156:2010 'Cigaxettes - Assessment of the ignition propensity - Safety requirement' and of standard EN ISO 12863:2010 'Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes' with the general safety requirement of Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and publication of the references of standard EN 16156:2010 'Cigarettes - Assessment of the ignition propensity - Safety requilement' and of standard EN ISO 12863:2010 'Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes' in the Official Journal of the European Union (notified under document C(2011) 5626); [2014-07-28]. http:// eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do .'Mri=OJ:L:2011:205:003 1:0032:EN:PDF.
  • 9EN 16156:2010 Cigarette Assessment of the ignition propensity Safety requirement [2014-07-28]. https://shop.auslrian-standards.aff Preview.action;j sessionid=214B3 5AEC372084.
  • 10EN ISO 12863:2010 Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity ofcigarettes;[2014-08-20] https://law.resource.org/pub/bg/ ibr/bds.erLiso. 12863.2010.pd-.













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