
天文观测数据开放共享政策与策略分析研究 被引量:8

A Study of Policies and Approaches of Open Access of Astronomical Observational Data
摘要 当代天文学已经进入数据密集型和数据驱动的时代。随着我国天文学研究的不断发展,国内自产的天文观测数据呈现爆炸式增长的趋势。将天文观测数据资源集成并推动数据资源与应用服务的共建共享,建立健全符合科学发展规律的数据资源开放共享政策与制度,使天文科技资源得到高效有序的管理和使用,对国内天文学研究和科普教育的发展至关重要。在充分调研各国政府、部门和国际组织有关政策的基础上,剖析了国外科学数据"完全与公开"的共享原则,介绍了我国科学数据共享有关的管理规定和当前状况,重点论述国际各大天文望远镜项目和天文数据中心天文观测数据资源开放共享的有关政策。对国内天文观测数据资源和开放共享的现状以及存在的问题进行了分析和总结。对我国天文观测数据资源共享工作发展和政策制定提出了具体建议。 In the new century astronomy is entering an era in which research activities are driven by intense observational data. Intense data have become major sources for scientific discoveries. In China astronomical community and facilities are undergoing fast development following the steady economic expansion of the country. There are about to be an explosive growth of astronomical data resulting from Chinese astronomical projects. To build an open data-access environment becomes crucial for long-term development of astronomy in China. In this paper we first investigate laws and policies of various governments and international organizations on open data access. Our investigation follows the analyses of the principle of ' full and open access to data' in foreign countries and covers current policies/rules about open access of scientific data in China. Particularly, we focus on the policies of major projects of telescopes and data centers around the world. We have also covered several related issues, including specifications of data resources, durations of data priority, rules of data archiving, policies of data publication, and conventions of data citation/ acknowledgement. In the second part of the paper we discuss datasets from major Chinese astronomical telescopes/research projects and the situation of open access to such datasets. We list difficulties and challenges faced by Chinese astronomers to provide full and open access to astronomical data archives. We finally give six specific recommendations to improve open data access in China : ( 1 ) To establish and refine laws and policies for open data access; (2) to construct effective administrative systems for astronomical data archiving and access in related government branches and academic institutes; (3) to establish some national or regional astronomical data center (s); (4) to further research on key technologies of collection, processing, analyzing, archiving, sharing, and access of astronomical data; (5) to train scientists and engineers working for data archiving and access; (6) to publicize astronomical data archives and extend scientific applications of data archives.
出处 《天文研究与技术》 CSCD 2015年第3期364-373,共10页 Astronomical Research & Technology
基金 中国科学院信息化专项(XXH12503-05-05) 国家自然科学基金委员会与中国科学院天文联合基金(U1231108) 科技部科技基础性工作专项(2012FY120500) 国家发改委高技术服务业研发及产业化专项(发改办高技[2013]666号)资助
关键词 天文观测数据 开放共享 政策 策略 Astronomical observational data Open access Policies Approaches
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