
细胞能量矛盾——帕金森病进展的主要推动力及防治对策 被引量:2

Energy Pressure of the Cell is the Primal Driving Force in the Progression of Parkinson Disease and the Prevention Strategy of It
摘要 帕金森病是常见的老年神经变性疾病,目前机制不清,无有效的治疗方法。线粒体功能障碍与帕金森病密切相关。认为,某些常见的环境因素和身体状态,如环境毒物、受寒、人体的免疫反应、炎症因子、感染、应激状态等,可导致多巴胺能神经元等常见易损伤的细胞发生能量矛盾,并因此造成线粒体损伤累积,认为这是导致帕金森病发病和病情进展的主要推动力。针对能量矛盾的产生,采取减少能量干扰和促进线粒体功能的策略,将会对阻止帕金森病的进展和研发有效的治疗方法,起到良好的促进作用。 Parkinson Disease is a common neurodegenerative movement disorder in elderly people without complete understanding of it's mechanism and with no effective therapies .This disease is closely related with the dysfunction of mitochondria .Some common environmental factors and physical status of the patients ,such as toxic substances of some drugs and pesticides ,cold weather ,immune response ,inflammation and inflammatory factors ,stress ,could induce energy pressure in the fragile dopaminergic cells and cause injuries accumulated in mitochondria ,which could be the driving force of this disease .The strategies to prevent the occurrence of energy pressure and to improve the energy producing ability of mitochondria might be important in preventing the progress of this disease .
作者 唐勇 白群华
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2015年第6期68-70,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 重庆市科委前沿与应用基础研究计划项目基金 项目编号:cstc2014jcyjA10019
关键词 帕金森病 能量矛盾 疾病进展 防治对策 Parkinson Disease, energy pressure, disease progression mechanism, prevention strategy
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