
斑马鱼hypocretin/orexin能神经系统的研究进展 被引量:2

Structure and function of the hypocretinergic/orexinergic system in zebrafish
摘要 外侧下丘脑分泌的神经肽——下丘脑泌素/食欲素(hypocretin/orexin)是哺乳动物中一种重要的调节睡眠和清醒的多肽类神经调质,hypocretin/orexin能神经系统功能缺陷可造成发作性嗜睡病。由于哺乳动物神经系统的复杂性,hypocretin/orexin能神经系统调节睡眠和清醒状态的机制至今仍不清楚。综述了近十年来斑马鱼hypocretin/orexin能神经系统的研究进展。基于其大脑结构简单的特点,斑马鱼是揭示hypocretin/orexin能神经系统结构和功能的重要模型。 Hypocretin/orexin (hcrt), a neuropeptide secreted by certain lateral hypothalamic neurons, is an important neuromodulator in regulating sleep and wakefulness in mammals. Defects in the hypocretinergic/orexinergic system lead to the sleep disorder narcolepsy. However, it remains largely unknown how the system regulates sleep and wakefulness. Here, we summarize the progress over the past decade in the structure and function of the hypocretinergic/orexinergic system in zebrafish. Due to its simplicity, zebrafish hypocretinergic/orexinergic system can serve as an ideal model for studying the mechanism of sleep/wakefulness regulation.
出处 《生命科学》 CSCD 2015年第7期827-836,共10页 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB02040300) 科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CBA00400) 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(31325011) 上海市优秀学术带头人项目(14XD1404100) 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划项目(14YF1406600)
关键词 斑马鱼 下丘脑泌素/食欲素 睡眠 清醒 zebrafish hypocretin/orexin sleep wakefulness
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