
网络2.0时代的协同治理创新:体系治理 被引量:10

Collaborative Governance Innovation Web 2.0 Era:the System of Governance
摘要 随着网络2.0(Web2.0)时代的到来,以信息技术嵌入所形成的治理过程系统性、整体性、综合性、复杂性和网络性特征日益凸显,为协同治理的深入发展创造了机遇,也面临着挑战。体系治理作为信息化条件下协同治理的创新发展,在以信息系统建设为基础,重塑治理结构、整合多元系统、统筹各方行动、整体应对全局上,发挥着重要的功能和作用。它以技术嵌入和更新为突破口,从机制修缮逐步推向体制萌动,实现公共治理中权力结构、关系结构和行动结构的实质性变革,从而有效地契合了当下的发展要求。当然,Web2.0时代下体系治理的出现也存在着诸多争议与困境,需要在现实发展中进一步重视和完善。 With the advent of Web2.0 era,information technology governance process systematically embed formed,holistic,comprehensive,complex and increasingly prominent network features,create opportunities for the further development of co- management is also facing challenge.System of governance as an innovative development under conditions of informatization collaborative governance,in order to build the basis of information systems,reshaping the governance structure pluralistic system integration,integrated various actors,the overall response globally plays an important function and role.It is a breakthrough technology for embedding and updating,repair mechanisms gradually push the system from germinating,the achievement of public governance power structure,substantive changes in the structure of the relationship between structure and action,so as to effectively fit the development requirements of the moment.Of course,the emergence of the Web2.0 era system of governance there are also a lot of controversy and difficulties,requiring further attention and improvement in the real development.
作者 金太军
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期5-14,324,共10页 Academics
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"创新社会治理体制与社会和谐稳定长效机制研究"(项目编号:14JZD029) 江苏省新型城镇化与社会治理协同创新中心 江苏高校优势学科政治学科研成果
关键词 WEB2.0 体系治理 协同治理 Web2.0 system governance collaborative governance
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