

Dialogues and Introspection : The Concept of Poetry Teaching in Chinese Literary Criticism—— Starting from Roman Jakobson's Concept of the Poetic Function in Literature
摘要 罗曼·雅柯布森从语言学进入文学研究,基于语言传达六因素,提出了文学(艺术)的"诗性"主导观,将文学之"文学性"研究推进到了一个新的阶段,也是确立文学独立性的重要手段,对理解中国传统文学批评中的诗教观颇有启发意义。先秦的"诗言志"和孔子的诗论并未将教化功能视为诗之唯一,同时也强调了诗的形式特征和其他社会功能,自汉以后文学的诗教观成为传统,非匀速地渗入中国文化的血脉成为一种"集体无意识",乃至影响到当代文学批评。当下文学批评无论是对文学思想性责任感的强调,还是对其快餐化娱乐性的批判,秉承的都是诗教观传统,文学批评对文学的干预方向依然是违背文学的独立性的。 Roman Jakobson enters literary research from the viewpoint of linguistics. Based on six elements of language communication, he proposes in literature (art)the guiding concept of "the poetic function", which not only pushes research on the "literariness" of literature to a new stage, but also serves as an important means of establishing literary independence. This independence is instructive in understanding the concept of poetry teaching in Chinese literary criticism. The pre-Qin Dynasty "Poem expressing ideal" and the poetic theories of Confucius do not consider the educational properties of poetry as its only functions : they also emphasize its form and its social functions. The concept of poetic teaching highlighted since the Han Dynasty gradually seeped into the cuhural mainstream to become a kind of "collective unconsciousness" which has influenced the contemporary literary criticism. Whether literary criticism today is emphasizing the ideological responsibility of literature or criticizing it as disposable entertainment, it stems from the tradition of poetic teaching, still taking as its direction of intervention the violation of the independence of literature.
作者 王小英
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2015年第3期140-147,共8页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 国家社科基金重大项目<当今中国文化现状与发展的符号学研究>(13&ZD123)阶段性成果 西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划骨干项目(SKGG14002)阶段性成果
关键词 罗曼·雅柯布森 诗性功能 主导 诗教观 文学批评 Roman Jakobson poetic function the dominant concept of poetry teaching literary criticism
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