World Economy Studies
1Bank of Canada. Liquidity provision and collateral haircuts in payments systems. Article in Bank of Canada Autumn 2011 Review of Novem- ber,2011.
2Brumm, Grill, Kubler, Schmedders. Collateral requirements and asset prices. Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 11-10,2013.
3Buiter, Willem,Sibert, Anne. How the Eurosystem's treatment of collateral in its open market operations weakens fiscal discipline in the Eurozone (and what to do about it). CEPR Discussion Papers 5587, CEPR < ,2005.
4Chapman, James, Chiu, Jonathan, Molico, Miguel. Central Bank Haircut Policy. Annals of Finance,2011,7 ( 3 ) : 319- 448. http ://www. econstor, eu/bitstream/10419/53921/1/636315541, pdf.
5ECB. Guideline of the ECB of 51 August 2000 on monetary policy instruments and procedures of the Eurosystem ( ECB/2000/7 ) ,2000.
6ECB. Guideline of the ECB of 31 August 2006 amending Guideline ECB/2000/7 on monetary policy instruments and procedures of the Eur- osystem ( ECB/2006/12 ) ,2006.
7ECB. Guideline of the ECB of 21 November 2008 on temporary changes to the rules relating to eligibility of collateral ( ECB/2008/18 ), 2008.
8ECB. Guideline of the ECB of 16 September 2010 amending Guideline ECB/2000/7 on Monetary Policy Instruments and Procedures of the Eurosystem ( ECB/2010/15 ) ,2010.
9ECB. Decision of the ECB of 14 December 2011 on additional temporary measures relating to Eurosystem refinancing operations and eligibil- ity of collateral ( ECB/2011/25 ) ,2011.
10ECB. Guideline of the ECB of 20 September 2011 on monetary policy instruments and procedures of the Eurosystem (recast) ( ECB/2011/ 14) ,2011.
1何曾.中央银行抵押品政策的设计思路研究[J].武汉金融,2014(8):66-68. 被引量:1
4曾山.浅议人民银行抵押品制度框架的完善[J].浙江金融,2014(8):36-39. 被引量:2
6薛雯雯,周峰.我国通货膨胀的成因——1978~2011年数据分析[J].经营与管理,2012(9):80-82. 被引量:2
7杨刚,高飞,张梦达.新三板市场流动性与股权价值的关系研究[J].学习与探索,2016(12):110-114. 被引量:3
8颜蕾.中央银行抵押品制度框架相关问题研究[J].海南金融,2016(5):45-49. 被引量:2
9胡东.中央银行抵押品政策:主要内容、影响因素及政策建议[J].南方金融,2014(1):33-37. 被引量:5