
教师眼中的教师评价:一个被忽略的研究领域 被引量:14

Teacher Evaluation from Teachers' Perceptions:A Neglected Research Field
摘要 教师评价是教育改革中的研究热点问题。然而,在教师评价的研究领域,以教师的视角对教师评价的探究较为缺乏。国外一些学者以教师的认知为出发点对教师评价进行了相关研究,研究内容包括教师对评价者的遴选、评价政策的制定与实施、评价结果的使用等方面的认知。基于国外已有研究成果,获得以下几点启示:应该重视建立"教师参与"型的评价体系、完善教师评价的相关制度建设以及优化教师评价的反馈机制等。 Teacher evaluation is the hot issue in education reform. However, it is a tack of the study on teacher evaluation from teacher's perceptions in the research field. To this, foreigners have done a lot of work for the study on teacher evaluation from teacher's perceptions as the starting point. Specifically, their studies involve various topics such as the choice of evaluators, the formulation and implementation of teacher evaluation policy, and the use of evaluation result etc. from teachers' perceptions. Based on the research achievements abroad above, there are some implications for the improvement of teacher evaluation system in China, such as, to value the establishment of teachers' participation in teacher evaluation system, to perfect the relevant system construction of teacher evaluation, and to optimize feedback mechanism of teacher evaluation, etc.
作者 毛利丹
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期99-110,共12页 Global Education
关键词 教师评价 教师 教师认知 teacher evaluation teacher teachers' perceptions
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