
犯罪中止自动性之判断——基于积极一般预防的规范性标准 被引量:13

The Judgement of Voluntariness of Crime Suspension:A Normative Standard on the Basis of the Positive General Prevention
摘要 在犯罪中止自动性的判断上,通说向来奉法兰克公式为圭臬,但该公式所遵循的心理学标准思路不但违反心理学原理,且会导致不合理的结论。应当坚持规范性标准的思路,即根据中止犯特权之规范目的来判断自动性。中止犯特权之目的是推进积极的一般预防,即通过减免中止犯的刑罚,提倡中止动机所包含的抵御犯罪诱惑的行为选择模式,从而强化国民相应的守法习惯。只有违背犯罪理性策略的停止意思,才是抵御犯罪诱惑的正确的行为选择,才是值得作示范性鼓励的动机。因此,自动性标准须以犯罪理性策略为参考:若行为人的停止决意符合犯罪理性策略,则排除自动性;若停止决意违背犯罪理性策略,则具备自动性。 The traditional theory about the voluntariness of crime suspension is on the basis of the Frank-formal standard,which violates the psychological principles,and makes contradictory and unreasonable conclusions. The normative standard should be accepted,which means that,the voluntariness of crime suspension should be judged by the normative target of the privilege of crime suspension. The normative target of the privilege of crime suspension is to realize the positive general prevention,which means that,the criminal law mitigates the punishment and makes an encouraging model of the suspension motivation,in order to strengthen the citizen's law- abiding habits. Only the act determinations,which violate the strategy of criminal rationality,are the motivation that deserves to be made as an encouraging model. As a result,the voluntariness should be judged by consulting the strategy of criminal rationality. If a suspension determination conforms to the strategy of criminal rationality,there is no voluntary suspension. There is a voluntary suspension,where a suspension determination violates the strategy of criminal rationality.
作者 庄劲
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期60-74,共15页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
基金 司法部中青年项目(编号12SFB3013) 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师培育项目(编号1209015) 广东省高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目(编号WYM10110)资助
关键词 犯罪中止 自动性 犯罪理性策略 Crime Suspension Voluntariness Psychological Standard Normative Standard the Strategy of Criminal Rationality
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