
幼儿友好型内隐联想测验的建构及有效性 被引量:6

Theoretical Construction and Empirical Research on A Preschooler-friendly Implicit Association Test
摘要 本研究依据经典IAT(Implicit Association Test)的核心原理构建了幼儿友好型内隐联想测验(Preschooler-friendly Implicit Association Test,PSF-IAT)。它由两部分联结任务组成,以反应时为指标,通过对概念刺激和属性刺激之间自动化联系的评估进而对幼儿的内隐态度进行间接测量。本研究采用两种方式对PSF-IAT范式的适用性进行验证:首先,将PSF-IAT用于测试幼儿对花和虫的态度,检验该范式在非社会范畴概念态度研究中的可行性;其次,将PSF-IAT用于测试幼儿内隐种族态度,并验证其与另一种幼儿内隐态度测试方法间结果的相关性,检验该范式在社会范畴概念态度研究中的可行性。研究结果表明,PSF-IAT符合学前儿童认知发展与行为反应的特点,能有效测量幼儿的内隐态度。 The Implicit Association Test(IAT) is widely used in the research examining adults' biases. The IAT measures differential association of two target concepts with an attribute, typically as a means to examine the extent to which social categories have positive or negative associations. One limitation of this method is that it has high executive function demands and is consequently not appropriate for use with young children. In the present research we address this limitation by developing a version of the task that can be used during the preschool years, which we refer to as the Preschooler-friendly IAT(PSF-IAT).In Study 1, we validated the effectiveness of the PSF-IAT in a non-social domain, by using it to detect presumed near-universal evaluative association involving the contrasts of flowers versus insects. In Study 2, we validated the effectiveness of the PSF-IAT in a social domain, by using it to document yound Chinese children's racial bias against Africans, and show that the assessment of this bias was correlated with another implicit assessment.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期903-913,共11页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目:说谎的发展认知神经科学研究--来自f NIRS的证据(31371041)
关键词 内隐联想测验 幼儿内隐态度 种族态度 implicit association test preschooler racial attitudes
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