
七种菊科植物SSR标记在大黄橐吾和奇形橐吾杂交区类群中的通用性检测 被引量:1

The Transferability of SSR Markers in Seven Asteraceae Species to Taxa in the Natural Hybrid Zone between Ligularia duciformis and L.paradoxa
摘要 牦牛山橐吾(Ligularia×maoniushanensis)是大黄橐吾(L.duciformis)和奇形橐吾(L.paradoxa)的一个自然杂交种。为了研究大黄橐吾和奇形橐吾杂交区类群的杂交关系和遗传结构,本研究利用两个杂交区杂交种及亲本的94个个体,从来自橐吾属、大吴风草属、千里光属和向日葵属7个种中已开发的145对核SSR引物进行筛选。结果表明在所研究的三个类群中至少能在其中一个类群中成功扩增的位点有54个,都能扩增的位点17个。在这17个位点中,牦牛山橐吾中11个位点具多态性,每个位点有2~14个等位基因,平均为4.8个。观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.053~1.000和0.051~0.887:大黄橐吾中9个位点有多态性,每个位点有3~12个等位基因.平均为7.4个,观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.200~0.971和0.283~0.844;奇形橐吾中10个位点有多态性,每个位点具4,15个等位基因,平均为7.6个,观测杂合度的值为0.025~0.974,期望杂合度的值为0.097~0.846。以上结果对大黄橐吾和奇形橐吾杂交区类群的杂交程度和遗传结构的进一步研究有重要作用。 Ligularia x maoniushanensis (Asteraceae) is a natural hybrid species of L. duciformis and L. paradoxa. In order to study hybridization arid genetic structure of taxa in the hybrid zones between L. duciformis and L. paradoxa, cross-species SSR primers were screened using 94 individuals of two hybrid zones' hybrids and its parents from 145 nuclear SSR primers which had been developed from Ligtdaria, Farfugium, Senecio and Helianthus. The results in- dicated that 54 loci were successfully amplified at least one taxon of three taxa. A total of 17 loci were successfully amplified at three taxa, of which 11 were polymorphic in L. × maoniushanensis, and the number of alleles ( NA ) ranged from 2 to 14 ( average 4. 8 ) and the ranges of observed ( Ho ) and expected ( HE ) heterozygosities were 0. 053- 1. 000 and 0. 051-0. 887, respectively. Of which 9 were polymorphic in L. duciformis, and the number of alleles ( NA ) ranged from 3 to 12 ( average 7.4) and the ranges of observed ( Ho ) and expected ( HE ) heterozygosi- ties were 0. 200 -- 0. 971 and 0. 283-0. 844, respectively. Of which 10 were polymorphic in L. paradoxa, the numberof alleles (NA) ranged from 4 to 15 (average 7. 6) and the ranges of observed (Ho) and expected (HE) heterozy- gosities were 0. 025 - 0. 974 and 0. 097 - 0. 846, respectively. The results will facilitate the further analysis of genetic structure and hybrid extent about taxa in hybrid zone between L. duciformis and L. paradoxa.
出处 《植物分类与资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期416-422,共7页 Plant Diversity
基金 国家自然科学基金(31470336)
关键词 牦牛山橐吾 大黄橐吾 奇形橐吾 SSR 多态性 通用性 L. × maoniushanensis L. duciformis L. paradoxa SSR Polymorphism Transferability
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