
在权利与义务之间——西方正义思想的价值论基础及其耦合 被引量:1

On the Value Basis of Western Justice Philosophy:Paradoxical Balance between Right Justice and Obligation Justice
摘要 西方思想家在思考、论述正义问题时,形成了两种主要的正义论:权利正义论和义务正义论。权利正义论重权利意识,提倡自由精神,在价值论上主张权利优先于义务;义务正义论重责任意识,提倡伦理精神,在价值论上主张义务优先于权利。理想的正义论应是权利正义论与义务正义论的合题。我们无法对权利和义务何者优先给出一个普适答案,只能在权利与义务发生冲突时,在二者之间保持一定的张力,而不应简单地赋予一方以优先权。 In the studies of justice, western thinkers have developed two contrasting views: justice of rights and justice of obligation.The former focuses on the rights, liberal spirits of freedom and the priority of rights to obligation; and the latter on responsibility,ethic spirits and the priority of obligation to rights. The ideal justice theory should be a synthesis of justice of rights and justice of obligation. It is a paradox to give a universal answer to the precedence of rights over obligation or vice versa. The solution is that when they are in conflict, they should keep a certain tension.
出处 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期15-20,148,共6页 Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
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