
植物组织特异性基因表达技术及其应用 被引量:6

Plant Tissue-Specific Gene Expression System and Its Applications
摘要 研究表明在植物以及其它多细胞生物体中,有些基因只在生长发育的特定阶段、器官、组织或细胞中表达。对这类基因的研究一方面有助于我们了解该基因自身的功能,另一方面也可以作为工具应用到其他相关研究当中,例如利用植物中具特异表达特性的基因的调控元件将特定基因在特定器官、组织或细胞中表达的技术,即植物组织特异性基因表达技术。本文主要介绍目前被广泛使用的两种植物组织特异性基因表达技术,即组织特异性启动子驱动法和GAL4/UAS激活标签法及其应用,为今后的研究工作提供一定的参考。 It is known that, in plants as well as in all other multicellular organisms, there are genes that are only expressed at specific developmental stage, organs, tissues or cells. The research on those genes not only can help us to understand their functions, but also can provide valuable tools for other studies, such as developing plant tissue-specific expression systems using the regulatory elements of tissue-specifically expressed genes. In this review, we provided a brief overview of two currently wildly used methods for achieving tissue-specific expression of genes in plants, i.e. tissue-specific promoters or GAL4/UAS activation tagging method, and some examples of their applications. This brief review was intended to provide guidance to future research in this important field.
出处 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期797-805,共9页 Plant Physiology Journal
基金 "973"计划前期研究专项(2014CB160306) 重庆市教委创新团队建设基金(KJTD201307) 重庆师范大学引进人才启动基金项目(12XLR36)
关键词 基因 启动子 组织特异性 GAL4/UAS gene promoter tissue-specific GAL4/UAS
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