
番茄根特异基因的表达分析 被引量:2

Expression Analysis of Root-Specific Genes in Tomato
摘要 根特异表达基因与根的生长发育及功能密切相关。本研究以根特异表达基因Solyc02g084780的表达模式为模板,在番茄表达谱中筛选获得95个根特异表达基因;在拟南芥和水稻中通过同源比对分别得到93和95个直系同源基因。对3个物种的根特异表达基因的表达模式开展研究,结果表明直系同源基因的表达变异与进化关系相关。根特异表达基因的启动子分析结果表明,基因的表达模式与启动子中调控元件的特性有关;并对番茄8个根特异表达基因进行RT-PCR验证。 There is a close relation between root-specific gene expression and root development and functions.Using the expression pattern of Solyc02g084780 as a model, 95 root-specific genes had been found in tomato expression profile data. By homologous comparison, 93 and 95 orthologous homologous genes were found in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, respectively. After comparing the expression pattern of orthologous homologous genes among these plants, the results showed that the expression pattern was different, and the expression pattern variation was s imilar in closer species while it's greater in further species. The promoter analysis indicated that the difference of genes expression pattern was due to the characters of cis-elements in promoters, which was further proved by RT-PCR results of 8 randomly selected genes.
出处 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期921-934,共14页 Plant Physiology Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(31301776) 农业部现代产业体系项目(CARS-25-G-36) 农业科技成果转化资金项目(2013-GB2-E000361) 广东省对外科技合作项目(2013B050800012) 广东省省级科技计划项目(2014A020208044) 广东省科技厅条件建设项目(粤财教[2013]112号) 广东省农科院院长基金项目(201303)
关键词 番茄 特异表达基因 启动子分析 tomato(Solanum lycopersicum) root specifically-expressed genes promoter analysis
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