Objective: To evaluate oncological outcomes and postoperative complications of dissection of mem- branous layer (between the superficial and deep stratum of Camper's fascia) in modified radical inguinal lymphade- nectomy. Method: Thirty-five patients with penile squamous cell carcinoma were treated with modified radical in- guinal lymphadenectomy from January 2008 to December 2013 in our institute. Patients' age was 30-70 years old, with a median of 50 years. The records of groin dissection on 35 patients were retrospectively analyzed. We uti- lized this template of modified inguinal lymphadenectomy through the work of Catalona. The superficial lymphatic tissue overlying the fascia lata with the en bloc specimen was swept, and underlying the cribriform fascia deep in- guinal lymph node packet that is located primarily anterior and medial to the femoral artery were removed. The fascia lata and greater saphenous vein were left in place, and no transposition was done in sartorius muscle. The follow-up period ranged from eight to 69 months, with a median of 37 months. The survival probabilities and mor- bidity of complications were calculated. Result: The total nodes of inguinal lymphadenectomy in all 35 patients was 753, average 10.8 nodes unilateral per patient. The positive rate was 80 % (28/35) including 85.7 % (24/28) uni- lateral and 14.3%(4/28) bilateral. The average 3-year disease-free survival rate was 95.2% (100% for pN0, pN1 , pN2 and 75 % for pN3 ). Local recurrence after penile conserving surgery was 9.5 % (2/21). The overall incidence of complication of inguinal region was 23% (8/35), including wound infection 5.7% (2/35), lower extremity and scrotum lymphedema 8.6 % (3/35) and local recurrence 8.6 ~ (3/35). No skin grafting owing to necrosis or deep vein thrombosis was found. Conclusion: A technique of separating membranous layer (Camper's fascia) in the sub- cutaneum provides therapeutic effects similar to traditional radical lymphadenectomy, and this surgical procedure obviously reduce the incidence of complication.
Journal of Clinical Urology
penile neoplasms
inguinal lymphadenectomy
Camper's fascia