SPASL-LBL+TBL(Scene of Pharmacy Administration Simulated Learning-Lecture-Based Learning+Team-Based Learning)三轨立体教学法是一种利用"模拟‘药事管理’情景"将理论知识与实践相结合,并且在教学过程中穿插运用团队和讲授教学法的综合性教学方法。在《药事管理》的教学中,应用SPASL-LBL+TBL教学法,具有"一高、二度、五强"的特点,即学生学习热情高涨,教学兼顾知识的广度和深度,参与性、协作性、互动性、理论性、实践性强。SPASL-LBL+TBL教学法有助于提高《药事管理》课程的教学质量。
The SPASL-LBL+TBL tridimensional teaching method was a kind of comprehensive teaching method which combined theoretical knowledge with practice by simulation scenario of the Pharmacy Administration, and interspersed with the application of team and teaching method in the process of teaching. After the application of SPASL-LBL +TBL teaching method in the Pharmacy Administration teaching, many satisfactory changes happened. For example, students worked harder and harder and learned knowledge wildly and deeply.What is more important, the Pharmacy Administration teaching has 5 bright basic features: highly participatory, collaborative, interactivity,theoretical, practical. Overall, the application of SPASL-LBL+TBL tridimensional teaching method can improve the quality of teaching of Pharmacy Administration.
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China