

Design of the Shrink Fit Fixture and Analysis of the Pre-Deformation Process in the Manufacturing Process of Hydrostatic Mechanical Seal Ring
摘要 动静压结合型机械密封是轴封式核主泵所采用的主要密封形式,其中圆锥面密封环是动静压结合型机械密封的核心零件,其加工技术一直是制约核主泵国产化的关键因素之一。热装式夹具是实现密封环预变形的方法之一,可以实现密封环端面锥度变形。文中介绍了热装式夹具的基本结构和工作原理,发现该加工方法具有简单、低成本等特点,能获得较高的表面质量。并运用有限元软件对锥面密封环预变形过程过程进行了模拟,发现加载齿的过盈量与预变形倾角呈线性正相关的关系,而加载齿厚度与倾角之间,当齿厚为3-5 mm时,齿厚与倾角呈负相关的关系,齿厚为1-3 mm时,齿厚对倾角的影响较小。 Hydrostatic mechanical seal ring is the key part of dynamic and static pressure in combination with a mechanical seal type,which is widely used in shaft sealing nuclear reactor coolant pump,whose domestication has been highly restri~:ted hy the manufactu,'e technology of conical surface seal ring. As one of the ways to achieving the pre-deformalion for seal ring, hot charging fixture can realize the conical end surface deformation of the seal ring. In this paper,the basic structure and working principles of hot charging fixture,which has the advantages of simplicity and low-cost,are introduced to acquire high quality of the st, trace. Finite element analysis is used to simulate the pre-deformation process of the conical end surface seal ring,resuhs indicates that there is a linear positive relation existed between the interference of the loading tooth and inclination angel of the pre-deformation,hnwever,negative correlation appeares between the thickness of loading tooth and inclination angel when the thickness is in the range of 1-3 turn. Furthermore,the thickness of loading tooth has less influence on the inclination.
出处 《机械工程师》 2015年第7期7-9,共3页 Mechanical Engineer
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(DUT14LAB02 DUT14LH003)
关键词 锥面密封环 预变形 过盈量 有限元分析 hydrostatic mechanical seal ring pre-deformation inference finite element analysis
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