

Vibration Characteristics Research of Aviation Oil Pipeline Conveying Non-uniform Fluid by Wave Method
摘要 利用开放系统的Hamilton原理推导了非均匀流输流管道的动力学方程,应用波传播解法对其固有频率进行了求解,得到了不同流速下非均匀流输流管道系统的固有频率,并与均匀流情况下的计算结果进行了对比。研究结果表明,无论对于非均匀流还是均匀流,输流管道的固有频率随内流流速的增加而减小;非均匀流输流管道相比于均匀流输流管道有较高的固有频率。文中的研究结果为输流管道的流致振动分析提供了一定的借鉴和参考。 The dynamic equation of aviation oil pipeline conveying non-uniform fluid is obtained through Hamilton prineiple in this paper. Then the natural frequencies of the pipe are calculated through wave propagation method. And a contrast is made between the natural frequency of pipe conveying non-uniform fluid and uniform fluid. The results show that,the natural frequencies of the pipe conveying fluid decrease with increasing flow speed,either for non-uniform fluid or uniform fluid. And the natural frequency of pipe conveying non-uniform fluid is higher than that of uniform fluid. The results of this paper can be referred as a reference to the fluid introduced vibration of the pipe conveying fluid.
作者 王良伟
出处 《机械工程师》 2015年第7期147-150,共4页 Mechanical Engineer
关键词 输流管道 非均匀流 波传播解法 固有频率 aviation oil pipeline non-uniform fluid wave propagation method natural frequency
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