
多端柔性直流输电系统接入某海岛电网的研究 被引量:5

Study on the Accessof Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC to an Island Grid
摘要 多端柔性直流输电系统是理想的风电场与电网的联接方式。根据规划,将在某海岛建设多端柔性直流输电工程。岛上风电场及岛上负荷将经交直流混合输电线路与陆上交流电网实现互联,电网运行特性复杂。根据建设坚强智能电网的要求,需详细分析多端柔性直流输电系统的接入对电网影响。在PSCAD/EMTDC中搭建含多端柔性直流输电系统的交直流混合输电模型,分析混合输电方式下电网运行的稳定性。仿真结果表明多端柔性直流输电系统的接入增强了风电场出口处电压的稳定性,确保了风电的可靠输出。若交流线路由于故障或检修退出运行,与其并列运行的换流站改变功率传输模式,承担整个风电场功率的传输,提高了系统运行的稳定性。 Multiterminal VSC-HVDC system(VSC-MTDC) is an ideal approach to connect wind farm with power grid. According to the planning, A VSC-MTDC projectwill be built in an island. The wind farms and load on the island will be connected with the land grid through AC and DC transmission lines, so performance of systemwill be very complex. To build strong smart grid, the effect of VSC-MTDC on the grid should be analyzed detailedly. The model of AC-DC hybrid transmission system which contains VSC-MTDC is built in the PSCAD/EMDTC, and the stability characteristics of grid in the hybrid transmission mode isanalysed. Simulation results indicate that the access of VSC-MTDC to the grid can enhance system stability, and the power output of wind farm can be ensured. When AC line is out of operation which is due to failure or maintenance, parallel converter station undertakes the entire power transmission ofwind farm, so the system stability is improved.
作者 杨小磊
出处 《电气技术》 2015年第5期12-16,21,共6页 Electrical Engineering
关键词 多端柔性直流输电系统 交直流混合输电 智能电网 风电场功率传输 VSC-MTDC AC-DC hybrid transmission system strong smart grid powertransmissionof wind farm
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