Objective To study the selection of the pregnancy childbirth way again after cesarean section, and postoperative complications were analyzed. Methods A retrospective analysis of 110 cases of obstetrics and gynecology hospital cesarean section again the clinical data of pregnancy pregnant women, divided into vaginal trial production and again cesarean delivery group, and 40 cases of pregnancy women as control group for the first time, the end of the comparative analysis of different delivery way and the status of postpartum complications. Results The treatment group success rate of vaginal delivery and postoperative blood loss slightly larger than the control group, the stages of vaginal delivery, baby Apagar score slightly smaller than the control group, length of hospital stay compared with significant difference between the two groups; Experimental group again cesarean delivery operation time, postpartum blood loss, hospital stay, and baby Apagar score compared to control group, all have significant difference. Vaginal group complications 4.8%, Complications after cesarean section again by 27.9%, Control group 5.0% incidence of vaginal delivery postpartum complications, 15.0% incidence of complications after cesarean section, vaginal delivery postpartum complications significantly lower incidence of complications after cesarean section. Conclusion The cesarean section again pregnancy pregnant women choose the right means of delivery, which can effectively reduce the incidence of postoperative complications.
China Continuing Medical Education
Cesarean section
Pregnancy again