
冲击作用下PBX炸药预制孔洞塌陷过程的实验探索 被引量:3

Experiment of Cavity Collapse Process in Plastic-Bonded Explosives under Shock Loading
摘要 采用显微镜头、光纤传像束、高速相机相结合的拍摄方法,利用电爆炸驱动低速飞片技术和快响应热电偶测温技术,初步建立了毫米级小尺寸炸药冲击响应的测试方法,实现了对亚毫米尺度预制孔洞缺陷的实时动态观测,获得了固体炸药孔洞(直径500μm)动态塌陷过程的图像和温升历程,为开展热点形成、点火及成长过程的实验研究奠定了基础。 The origin, ignition and growth of hot spot are keys to understand the shock initiation in heterogeneous explosive. An experimental method of shock behavior for millimeter-scale plastic- bonded explosives (PBX) is developed by using an electrical explosion driven low-velocity flyer, a quick-response thermocouple and a high speed and micro-scale camera,in which the camera consists of a microscope,a high speed camera and an image transmission bunch. The dynamic collapse process of the precast cavity with a diameter of 0.5 mm in PBX is captured. The physical image and temperature curve of the precast cavity in PBX are obtained during the dynamic collapse process,which may pro- vide a foundation for the hot spots experiment in PBX.
出处 《高压物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期268-272,共5页 Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(11072227 11272294 11272296) 基础科研(B1520110002) 国防科技重点实验室专项(2012-专-05)
关键词 PBX炸药 预制孔洞 动态塌缩 plastic-bonded explosives precast cavity dynamic collapse
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