

Algorithm of bushing axial stiffness based on elasticity theory
摘要 悬架开发初期准确计算衬套刚度特性,可缩短底盘系统开发周期。面对尚无衬套轴向刚度理论计算方法的局面,基于弹性力学,提出一种筒形衬套轴向刚度理论算法。该方法以筒状无开孔弹性橡胶为对象,应用弹性力学和简化边界条件给出了衬套轴向刚度公式。经理论计算和试验结果对比表明,该算法简单易行,误差在10%以内,满足筒状衬套轴向刚度工程设计需要,也适用于筒状衬套轴向刚度的其他工程应用领域。 It has been proved that the accurate stiffness calculation of suspension bushing is essential to reduce chassis development period. An algorithm for the axial stiffness of filled rubber cylindrical bushing based on elasticity is presented in situation of none. A formula for axial stiffness of cylindrical bushing is deduced based on elasticity and simplified boundary conditions. Test results shows deviation of the formula can be control within 10%. And the preceding method can meet engineering requirement of cylindrical bushing axial stiffness calculation and relevant application fields.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期32-35,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51105241)
关键词 衬套 轴向刚度 简化边界条件 bushing axial stiffness simplified boundary conditions
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