The failure caused by the corrosion-wear of molten aluminum and its alloys is one of the main problems in aluminum industry. In this work, the resistance behavior of various materials, including Fe-based alloys, ceramics and corresponding high apparatus of corrosion-wear in molten aluminum and its alloys, were reviewed. The synergistic effect of corrosion and wear was discussed based on corrosion and wear mechanics. The effects of dynamic agitation due to rotating of friction pairs, physical property of liquid metal and size of grain etc., on the corrosion-wear resistance performance were investigated. In addition, the characteristics of corrosion-wear resistance performance of materials in molten aluminum and its alloy were summarized. According to our recent progress referred to kinds of materials, especially a TiA13/Ti3A1C2/A1203 composite, the ceramics/metal composites with a co-continuous structure will be of great advantage in the field of corrosion-wear environment of molten aluminum and its alloys.
铝及其合金熔体引起的腐蚀磨损导致的材料失效是铝工业中一个非常普遍的难题。综述包括铁合金及陶瓷等材料在铝液中的腐蚀磨损行为及在液态金属中的腐蚀-磨损试验设备。在阐述单一的液态金属腐蚀和磨损机理的基础上,分析腐蚀磨损的协同效应。综合讨论由于摩擦副旋转导致的铝液动态搅拌、液态铝物理性质以及晶粒尺寸等因素对铝液腐蚀-磨损性能的影响。最后,总结耐铝液腐蚀磨损材料应该具备的基本特征。根据本课题组已有研究成果,特别是Ti Al3/Ti3Al C2/Al2O3这种金属/陶瓷复合材料的优异耐铝液腐蚀磨损性能,展望具有连续相互穿插结构陶瓷/金属复合材料在铝液腐蚀磨损环境中的应用前景。
Project(51271080) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China