In this paper, from the perspective of timing, intergeneration, and function, I confirm that as two functional actualization means, authority manipulation and contract operation objective form a graduation relation and graduation attributes of their own, in a wider contemporary context and social advancement course, either as regards to cultural system or matching cultural tool. When we think over the upgraded transformation means between authority manipula- tion and contract operation, the most important logical starting point is how to evade and even relieve passive resistance from bureaucrat official and staff in public institution. And there are 3 routes : 1. under the condition of cultivating and publicizing socialist core values, we should make all public service tools to take protecting citizens'basic cultural rights as their logical starting point and result post. 2. Under the condition of ruling the country comprehensively by law, we should establish the rigidity of legalized operating system of public cultural service tool. 3. Under the condition of confi- ning authority to the cage of system, we should try our best to spare space for public cultural service tool.
Hundred Schools In Arts