In the society with growing importance of training of Visual Literacy, it is necessary to promote art lesson with key of Visual Literacy which helps young students to survive and communicate in complicated world and, Promoting art education will require for a lot of excellent art teachers . We shall equip all art class of the whole country with skilled and challenging teacher. The solution will rely on the strong education of Art teacher. Normal students of 2013 and 2014 from East China Normal University Art Department organized a group in unit of class and studied on the two National Undergraduate Innovation Training Project which was (The Innovational Education Practice Based on Clinic〉 and (The Research of The School--based Art Curriculum Development Focused on Shanghai Image〉. The activity solved the issue of the separation of theory and practice in art education. And it also solve the problem of no connection between high nor- mal university and courses of primary and secondary school .This activity has been e^ective and it gains experience.
Research on Modern Basic Education
Art lesson for high school and primary school, education of art teacher , development of school-based art lesson, creative teaching