

The Aesthetic Forms of the Frankfurt School
摘要 法兰克福学派认为在普遍商品化社会,唯有把审美形式作为中介物才能够拯救文艺的真理,而文艺真理是物化社会的真理之光。这种审美形式观本质上是审美形式的中介论。它既区别于现代西方美学的形式本体论,也区别于传统马克思主义关于文艺作品形式的观点。从哲学方法论看,这种审美形式观根植于早期马克思哲学和经济学中的人本思想、西方马克思主义哲学对现代资本主义物化和异化的批判、黑格尔哲学逻辑学的批判精神及其客观唯心主义的辩证法,以及弗洛伊德精神分析哲学心理学思想方法,这些不同学派的庞杂的思想方法,在法兰克福学派的人本主义与抽象辩证法的基础上获得统一;从美学的继承关系看,它也是对以康德、席勒为代表的德国形式美学批判继承的结果;从文艺学方面看,它又吸收了俄国形式派诗学的文艺形式本质观的个别观点,并批判吸收了现代派的文艺形式创作的经验。 The Frankfurt school theorists of the modern literary aesthetic form as the essential requirement of art.They believe in the common commercial society,only the aesthetic form as an intermediate can save the truth,and the truth is the materialization of the light of truth.The concept of aesthetic form is essentially a form of aesthetic medium.This form of ontology which is different from the modern western aesthetics,but also different from the traditional Marx theory on literary works form view.The reason is that the aesthetic form of practice concept is rooted in the traditional culture and modern western philosophy and literary form.From the viewpoint of the theory of philosophy,dialectics is rooted in Marx's early philosophy and economics in the western humanism,Marx's philosophy,Hagel criticized the philosophical logic of the modern capitalist reification and alienation of the critical spirit and objective idealism,and Freud psychoanalytic thinking method.The philosophy of psychology;from the inheritance relationship between philosophy and aesthetic view this kind of aesthetic form,intermediary concept,also to Kant,Schiller as the representative of the German criticism form aesthetics inherited the results;from the literary perspective,it also absorbs the essence of literary form of Russian formalism poetics view and criticism of modernist forms to create the experience of the theory of sublimation.In the globalization and commercialization of social conditions,it is for the construction of socialist literary aesthetics with Chinese characteristics,as well as how to understand the contemporary literary and artistic creation and performance of social reality,still has its important value and significance of understanding of literary aesthetics.
作者 徐文泽
出处 《岭南师范学院学报》 2015年第4期22-27,共6页 Journal of Lingnan Normal University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划课题(GD14XZW16)
关键词 法兰克福学派 审美形式 中介 Frankfurt School aesthetic form intermediary
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