
云计算中网络资源配比优化调度模型仿真 被引量:3

Network Resources Optimization Scheduling Model in Cloud Computing
摘要 云计算服务器的环境不同,一旦出现网络资源拥塞,各区域采用的网络资源调度形式也不同。当前单一的网络资源调度方式很难满足云计算网络复杂性的要求。提出一种基于需求和供给均衡机制的云计算网络规划模型,采用二次加权平均方法构建云计算时效网络规划模型,模型不断调整已分配到路段上的网络资源数量,采用AGV控制网络堵塞评估问题,分析云计算网络设备需求的确定和供需平衡机制,面向节点数、成本以及拥塞程度三个因素明确云计算网络拥塞强度的评估指标体系,确定资源配送的时限要求和紧迫程度。实验结果说明,该种模型下的云计算拥塞救助效率、成本以及效用度都优于传统模型,具有较高的应用价值。 Cloud computing server environment is different, once appear congestion network resources, the regional using different forms of network resource scheduling. The single way of network resource scheduling is difficult to meet the requirements of cloud computing network complexity. Put forward a kind of based on supply and demand equilibrium mechanism of cloud computing network planning model, quadratic weighted average method was used to construct network planning model limitation of cloud computing model to adjust the number assigned to the stretch of road network resources, USES the AGV control network congestion evaluation problems, analysis of cloud computing network equipment requirements and the balance between supply and demand mechanism, the number of nodes oriented, cost, and congestion degree three factors clear cloud computing network congestion intensity evaluation index system, determine the time limits and pressing for resources distribution. Experimental results show that, under this kind of model of cloud computing congestion relief efficiency, cost and utility degree is superior to the traditional model, has higher application value.
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2015年第7期186-189,共4页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 云计算 拥塞 传递方式 二次加权平均方法 cloud computing congestion transmission way secondary weighted average method
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