
大学生创业行为影响机制研究 被引量:8

Research on the Influence Mechanism of College Students' Entrepreneurial Behavior
摘要 以创新和知识驱动的创业成为当今创业经济发展的主流趋势。大学生创业可以有效推动科技创新,激发经济内生动力,促进国民经济增长,增进就业和改善民生。而提升大学生创业认知,增强创业热情是鼓励开展创业活动的有效途径。由于大学生创业在资源获取、创业机会识别及外部环境等方面存在制约,因此从提升创业者创业认知角度出发,通过分析创业认知、创业意愿与创业决策三者之间的关系,探究提升大学生行为的影响机制。从政府、社会、高校和大学生自身制定激励大学生开展创业活动的对策措施,实现创业活动对经济发展的带动作用。 Innovative and knowledge driven entrepreneurship is becoming the mainstream of today’s en?trepreneurial development. College students’entrepreneurship can effectively promote the innovation of sci?ence and technology as well as the national economy growth, stimulate economic endogenous power, increase employment and improve people’s livelihood. Improving college students’entrepreneurial cognitive and enthu?siasm is an effective way to carry out entrepreneurial activities. Due to the limitation of resource acquisition, en?trepreneurial opportunity identification and the external environment, it is better to have a research on the influ?ence mechanism of college students’entrepreneurial behavior by analyzing the relationship among the entrepre?neurial cognition, intention and decision-making from the perspective of improving the students’entrepreneur?ial cognition. Making countermeasures to stimulate the college students’entrepreneurship from the perspective of government, society and universities and implementing the leading role of entrepreneurial activity in the de?velopment of the economy.
作者 张秀娥 方卓
机构地区 吉林大学商学院
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第4期100-104,共5页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
基金 吉林大学哲学社会科学研究重大课题培育项目"大学生创业机制构建研究"(编号:2015ZDPU10) 吉林省社会科学基金项目"吉林省新型城镇化发展进程与对策研究"(编号:2014A9)
关键词 大学生创业 创业行为 影响机制 对策措施 college students' entrepreneurship entrepreneurial behavior influence mechanism countermeasures
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