
精益管理在手术医疗耗材管理中的应用 被引量:5

Application of Lean Management in Surgical Management of Medical Consumables
摘要 目的利用精益管理,提高医院的医疗耗材管理水平。方法利用物流管理方法之精益管理法,建立起完整的医疗耗材管理体系,在手术医疗耗材管理上实施精益管理法,详细记录下实施此法后医院手术室的医疗耗材采购和使用情况,记录相关数据。结果采用精益管理后,手术医疗耗材的采购时间、金额,耗材质量以及库存量等各项指标均优于未采取精益管理之前,产生明显差异。结论在手术医疗耗材管理中采用精益管理方法,可以减少医疗耗材采购时间,提高效率,同时达到降低采购金额,提高采购质量的目的,在手术医疗耗材管理中利用精益管理有助于管理的规范化。 Objective Use of lean management, improve the level of hospital medical consumables management. Methods Using the method of lean logistics management, establish a complete medical consumables management system, the implementation of lean management in surgical management of medical consumable materials, detailed record the implementation of this law after the hospital operating room medical consumables procurement and usage, record the data. Results After using lean management, operation of medical consumables purchase time, amount, material quality and inventory before taking lean management on the indicators are better than not to have obvious difference. Conclusion In the surgical management of medical consumable materials using lean management method, can reduce the medical consumables purchase time, improve efficiency, to reduce procurement value at the same time, improve the quality of procurement, the purpose of the use of lean management in the surgical management of medical consumable materials contributes to the standardization of the management.
作者 陆军
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2015年第18期31-32,共2页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 精益管理 医疗耗材 管理 Lean management Medical consumables Management
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