

The Diagnosis of Heart Failure and Preventive Care
摘要 目的探讨心力衰竭的诊断与预防保健。方法分析心力衰竭患者的诊断结果。结果心力衰竭是由于各种病因所造成心血管疾病的一个严重性阶段,它具有患病率及死亡率高的特点,与恶性肿瘤的五年存活率相类似,对人类健康有着极大的威胁。结论一旦发现心力衰竭的问题存在就要立即进行治疗,同时,日常行为中加以预防的保健措施能够有效缓解患者的病情,为患者的生活恢复健康因子。 Objective To study the diagnosis of heart failure and preventive care. Methods Analysis the diagnosis of patients with heart failure. Results Heart failure is caused by various causes a serious stage of cardiovascular disease, it has the characteristics of high morbidity and mortality, and five year survival rates were similar to malignant tumor, there is a huge threat to human health. Conclusion Once found heart failure problem is treated immediately, at the same time, the daily behavior of preventive care measures can effectively alleviate the patient's condition, as the recovery factor of the patient's life.
作者 张丽杰
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2015年第18期104-105,共2页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 心力衰竭 诊断 预防保健 Heart failure Diagnosis Preventive care
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