
基于扎根理论的文化创意类众包社区发包方参与动机研究 被引量:9

Research on Contractees' Motivation for Crowd-sourcing in Creative Industry Based on Grounded Theory
摘要 研究众包模式中发包方参与众包的动机,运用扎根理论质性研究方法,探索文化创意类众包社区构成要素及其影响机制。通过对质性分析资料进行扎根分析,对相关内容进行概念化、范畴化和编码化处理,构建了基于众包参与行为的影响因素模型,获得开放式创新驱动、互联网模式特征驱动、行业特征驱动3个主轴编码,并结合选择编码进行了模型理论饱和度检验,分析了参与动机之间的互动关系和价值导向,对众包有别于传统服务外包的特征范畴进行了归纳,研究结论和相关管理启示可为文化创意产业企业开展专业服务众包实践提供理论依据。 This paper focuses on the investigation of contractees' motivation for crowd-sourcing in crowd-sourcing mode. By applying the qualitative research method , the constitute elements and influence mechanism of contractee motivation are ex- plored based on the of grounded theory. Combined with conceptualization, categorization and coded process of relative con- tent for qualitative data, the influence factor models on account of the crowd-sourcing participation behavior are construc- ted. Besides, three axial coding including open type innovation-driven, internet profiles character-driven and industry char- acter-driven are obtained. By combining the three axial coding with the selecting coding, the model theory saturation in- spection is then conducted, and the interactive relationship and value orientation between motivations are analyzed. Moreo- ver, the feature-based category of crowd-sourcing which is different to the traditional service outsourcing is concluded. The research conclusion and relevant management implications provide the theory basis for cultural creative industry enterprise to conduct crowd-sourcing practice.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第14期1-5,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(12&ZD024) 国家自然科学基金项目(G020103) 上海市教委科研创新项目(15ZS093)
关键词 文化创意产业 众包模式 发包方 参与动机 Cultural Creative Industry Crowd-sourcing Mode Contractees' Motivation for Crowd-sourcing
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